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SKALA’s Pillar 1 Engagement Strategy is about the program’s national level engagement, primarily with three key ministries: the Ministry of National Development Planning or Bappenas, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Home Affairs.
SKALA’s Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) strategy shapes SKALA’s national and subnational engagement by ensuring that interventions are guided by a comprehensive analysis of gender, disability, and social inclusion within Indonesia’s socio-cultural, economic, and political context.
SKALA strongly supports Australia’s immediate strategic priority in Indonesia—assisting the country recover from COVID-19 (as defined in DFAT’s Partnerships for Recovery strategy). SKALA’s support for basic service delivery to less developed regions, especially in the Papua provinces and other disadvantaged areas, will help revive Indonesia’s human development progress and restore inclusive economic growth. This focus is consistent with DFAT’s COVID-19 Development Response Plan for Indonesia, which commits to protecting the most vulnerable communities and promoting their resilience.
Indonesia telah melakukan proses desentralisasi politik dan ekonomi selama 20 tahun terakhir. Meskipun kemajuan signifikan telah dicapai, akses yang adil terhadap layanan publik berkualitas tetap menjadi tantangan, terutama bagi perempuan, penyandang disabilitas, dan kelompok rentan lainnya. Belum optimalnya pemanfaatan dan manajemen keuangan pubik untuk tujuan pemenuhan layanan dasar juga turut andil dalam persoalan kemiskinan dan ketimpangan yang masih tetap menjadi tantangan pembangunan.
SIO Papua stands for Papuan Information SystemSIO Papua is an activity to collect individual and family population data at the village level carried out by village cadres with data features sorting Indigenous Papuans (OAP) and Non-OAP Download Document