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SKALA is an Australia Indonesia Partnership Program to strengthen Indonesia's capacity to deliver inclusive and equitable basic services in less developed regions. This document is a booklet for understanding the SKALA as a whole.

Minimum Service Standards (MSS) define the types and quality of essential services every Indonesian has a right to receive. As stated in Government Regulation No. 2/2018 and related laws, MSS ensure that all Indonesians receive equitable, standardized services in education, health, public works, social affairs, and housing. These standards reflect the government’s presence, commitment and obligation to its people. Across Indonesia, many vulnerable people and regions still struggle to access basic services. Addressing this gap is an important step towards achieving the Golden Indonesia Vision 2045. MSS are the foundation of Indonesia’s progress and reflect a promise to every citizen. MSS embody the government’s commitment and tangible presence in delivering services to the community.

Papua, located in the easternmost region of Indonesia, comprises six provinces: Papua, Papua Barat, Papua Selatan, Papua Tengah, Papua Pegunungan, and Papua Barat Daya, established in stages from 1969 to 2022 as part of Indonesia’s decentralisation efforts. The region continues to work towards addressing human development challenges, reducing poverty, and expanding access to education and healthcare. The Papuan provincial governments are working to improve basic service delivery through several key initiatives. SKALA works with the provincial governments in Papua, Papua Barat, Papua Selatan, and Papua Barat Daya to strengthen participation of vulnerable groups in development planning, data availability and use, regional fiscal capacity, and quality of public spending. SKALA’s Papua office became operational in 2022.

Maluku, officially established as a province of Indonesia in 1945, includes the central and southern regions of the Maluku Islands. Maluku’s provincial capital and largest city, Ambon, is located on Ambon Island, with the province bordered by North Maluku, West Papua to the east, and the Banda Sea to the south. Administratively, Maluku is divided into nine regencies and two cities. Overall, Maluku’s economy is driven by agriculture, fishing, and forestry. SKALA works with the Maluku Provincial Government to strengthen the participation of vulnerable groups in development planning, as well as to improve the use of reliable data and analysis, increase regional financial capacity, and strengthen the quality of public spending. SKALA’s Maluku office became operational in September 2023.

Indonesia has a large number of people with disabilities reaching 5 million people (equivalent to the population of Oman). This infographic provides an overview of basic services for people with disabilities in Indonesia, based on REGSOSEK (Social Economic Registration) data year 2022.