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Aceh’s Social Service data from 2022 indicates that the province is home to 18,680 persons with disabilities, which is around 0.35% of the 5,570,453 Acehnese population. To address their needs, the Aceh government has issued a Gubernatorial Regulation on the 2024-2029 Regional Action Plan for Persons with Disabilities (RAD PD), and a draft Qanun to better protect and fulfil the rights of persons with disabilities. Through these policy instruments, the Aceh government is mainstreaming disability considerations into the annual work plans of various government units. SKALA supports these government efforts through inputs to help make regional regulations more inclusive, capacity…

Inclusion in the workplace starts with a mindset that values diversity, especially in disability inclusion, which emphasizes accessibility and equity in all work aspects. This mindset supports policies that ensure physical accessibility, inclusive recruitment, and strong employee support systems. SKALA’s experiences provide early insights into building a more inclusive environment, highlighting successes and areas for improvement. This note captures key lessons, with examples of initiatives and enhancements from the perspectives of SKALA employees with disabilities.