Moving Towards Effective Ways of Working

At the beginning of 2024, the SKALA Program organized the All-Staff Ways of Working workshop, which was a landmark event aimed at enhancing the methodologies employed in SKALA’s program implementation. The three-day workshop enabled participants to delve into critical questions such as what they should sustain, avoid, stop, or develop. The workshop was attended by the entire SKALA staff, DFAT, and DT Global representatives, creating an inclusive space for discussions.
The interactive sessions and group exercises allowed participants to appreciate the diverse needs and perspectives necessary for effective program advancement. The event’s collaborative nature inspired creativity and innovation, laying the groundwork for a sustainable and evolving program. Through group exercises and discussions, participants explored the nuanced needs and diverse perspectives critical to propelling the SKALA program forward. The workshop resulted in a set of identified key priority areas that will serve as the guiding compass for SKALA’s initiatives throughout the year. These priorities, shaped by the collective wisdom of SKALA’s dedicated team, form the bedrock for strategic planning and targeted actions in the coming months.
The presence of the Senior Leadership Team of SKALA and donor counterparts elevated the discussions, providing a panoramic view of the organization’s internal dynamics and external partnerships. Their participation underscored the commitment to transparency, collaboration, and an unwavering dedication to SKALA’s mission.
The All-Staff Ways of Working workshop is a testament to SKALA’s commitment to continuous improvement and effectiveness. The insights gained from this collaborative endeavor are not just data points; they are the building blocks of a roadmap that will guide informed planning and budgeting for basic services. The workshop marked an important step for SKALA’s future, creating a stronger and more united team, ready to face challenges with resilience.