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One Data North Kalimantan: Towards an Integrated North Kalimantan

One Data North Kalimantan is the policy of providing accurate disaggregated data and quality data can be shared and easily accessible to support planning, implementation, evaluation and development control of North Kalimantan Inclusive North Kalimantan development. The flyer is in Bahasa Indonesia version.

What is SKALA?

SKALA is an Australia Indonesia Partnership Program to strengthen Indonesia's capacity to deliver inclusive and equitable basic services in less developed regions. This document is a booklet for understanding the SKALA as a whole.

Basic Services for People With Disabilities in Indonesia

Indonesia has a large number of people with disabilities reaching 5 million people (equivalent to the population of Oman). This infographic provides an overview of basic services for people with disabilities in Indonesia, based on REGSOSEK (Social Economic Registration) data year 2022.

SKALA Program Information Sheet

SKALA is an 8-year program commencing in November 2022 with a total value of up to AUD 160 million (approximately IDR 1.5 trillion). SKALA will focus on strengthening selected elements of Indonesia’s large and complex decentralised governance systems such as Public Financial Management (PFM), Minimum Service Standard (MSS), planning and budgeting, and local leadership while strengthening GEDSI mainstreaming into the systems.

Sinergi dan Kolaborasi untuk Akselerasi Layanan Dasar (SKALA) is an Australia-Indonesia Partnership Program aimed at supporting the Government of Indonesia’s efforts to reduce poverty and inequality by improving basic-service provisions to poor and vulnerable communities in less-developed regions.


Sinergi dan Kolaborasi untuk Akselerasi Layanan Dasar (SKALA) is an Australia-Indonesia Partnership Program aimed at supporting the Government of Indonesia’s efforts to reduce poverty and inequality by improving basic-service provisions to poor and vulnerable communities in less-developed regions.


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