Gender Inequality Index as One of the Indicators to Measure GEDSI Mainstreaming Achievements in Indonesia

On June 20-23, 2023, located in Yogyakarta, SKALA supported the Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN)/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), in collaboration with the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), held a socialisation workshop for the Gender Inequality Index (IKG). IKG is one of the national indicators used to measure the progress of achieving gender equality in Indonesia. The workshop was also attended by the Heads of Bappeda and BPS from 34 provinces in Indonesia.
The introduction of IKG to regional planners and BPS is the first step taken to anticipate the expiration of the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) for 2005-2025. Prior to this, Bappenas has conducted a preliminary study in 2022. Whilst the Government of Indonesia is currently preparing a technocratic design and Academic Paper of RPJPN 2025-2045 to be issued in 2023.

In the Preliminary Draft of RPJPN 2025-2045, a total of 17 development goals have been agreed. One of which is Quality Families and Gender Equality, thus requiring performance indicators that are able to effectively measure the achievements of family development and gender equality.
The IKG will also display the potential loss in human development achievements due to gender inequality in the dimensions of reproductive health, empowerment, and the workforce, to allow further analyses on the level of achievements of a person who is limited by gender inequality. Through understanding the concept and method of calculating the IKG, the government aimed to be able to strengthen its efforts to ensure gender equality and to build an inclusive society in Indonesia.