Building Gender Equality: How Maluku’s New Regulation Advances Inclusive Governance

Advancing Gender Mainstreaming in Maluku
Indonesia has prioritised gender mainstreaming (Pengarusutamaan Gender or PUG) since the issuance of Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 2000 on Gender Mainstreaming in Regional Development. Later, in 2008 and 2011, the Ministry of Home Affairs introduced further regulations and guidelines to ensure the integration of gender perspectives across government units. However, implementation at the provincial level is often challenging due to limited local resources and the absence of local implementing regulations.
In Maluku, the Gender Mainstreaming Working Group which was established under Governor’s Decree No. 200 of 2019 includes key government units like the Provincial Finance and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD), the Development Planning Agency (Bappeda), and the Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Agency (DP3A) and lays the groundwork for gender-responsive governance.
Developing and Ratifying a Provincial Regulation on Gender Mainstreaming (Perda PUG)
In 2021, the Maluku Provincial Government began drafting a Provincial Regulation on Gender Mainstreaming (Perda PUG), with technical inputs from SKALA, Bappenas and the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA) in the following years. The Civil Society Network (JMS) and local academics contributed technical inputs, insights and gender data. Despite challenges with inconsistent data across provincial agencies, JMS played a crucial role by contributing to technical aspects of academic papers in support of the Perda. The collaborative team developed the Perda PUG between April and September 2024. Their joint efforts culminated in the Perda PUG’s ratification by the local parliament on September 14, 2024 which means Maluku’s local parliament can mandate the integration of gender analysis into planning and budgeting processes and oversee gender-responsive budgeting.
Paving the Way for Gender-Responsive Governance
Maluku’s Perda PUG provides a framework to embed gender perspectives into its upcoming 2025-2029 Medium-Term Development Plan. Key initiatives include the creation of a Provincial Action Plan for Gender Mainstreaming and regular technical training in Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting for key officials. Additionally, Perda PUG opens doors for establishing thematic forums and GEDSI tagging in planning and budgeting processes. These steps will support government units to track and address gender-specific issues in the delivery of services so that ultimately, the broader community benefits from gender-responsive governance.
There are significant opportunities to strengthen the implementation of gender-responsive governance. By enhancing the understanding of the Gender Analysis Pathway among planners in government work units, Maluku can better integrate gender considerations into five-year plans and annual Gender Action Budgets. This also creates a platform to introduce regular training on PUG strategies and their practical application. Additionally, revitalizing the PUG Working Group and fostering stronger engagement through regular meetings presents a valuable chance to strengthen leadership commitment and accountability across government units. The development of a Provincial Action Plan is an exciting opportunity to provide a clear roadmap for the Perda PUG’s implementation to ensure measurable progress over the next five years.
Lessons Learned and Future Implications
Maluku’s collaborative drafting process offers valuable lessons for other provinces in Indonesia. By leveraging resources from government and civil society, the Maluku Provincial Government and its partners have created a model for joint advocacy using shared data and expertise to meet community needs. With Perda PUG as a foundation, Maluku’s experience illustrates the potential of regional regulations to advance gender equality and create lasting impacts. This milestone not only strengthens Maluku’s institutional capacity but also sets a powerful example for achieving gender-responsive development across Indonesia.

Ratification of the Maluku Provincial Regulation on Gender Mainstreaming during the Plenary Meeting of the Maluku Provincial on September 14, 2024