Advancing Regional Development: Collaboration on Utilization of SEPAKAT and SIPD Data in Lebak Regency

The integration of Bappenas’ Social Welfare data-based Development Planning System (SEPAKAT) and the Ministry of Home Affairs’ Regional Planning Information System (SIPD) is a key step in enhancing Indonesia’s regional development planning and achieving national development goals.
SEPAKAT uses data from the Socioeconomic Registry (Regsosek) to assess the welfare of the population. The SIPD platform is used by regional governments to manage information on planning, budgeting, monitoring, and evaluation. Both systems serve as essential tools to improve the accuracy, efficiency, and accountability of government programs and services.
Combining these systems is not only a technical improvement but a strategic move towards more cohesive and effective governance.
Enhancing Data Quality for More Inclusive Policies
One of the main reasons why the integration of SEPAKAT and SIPD is important is to do with the enhancement of data quality. By fostering integration between SEPAKAT and SIPD, the Indonesian government is better equipped to plan and execute policies that directly address poverty alleviation and community empowerment.
SEPAKAT processes disaggregated microdata from Regsosek and provides welfare rankings that help target government interventions accurately. By integrating this data with SIPD, which is used at the regional government level, decision-makers can rely on more precise and timely data. This leads to better-informed policies and programs that are tailored to the actual needs of the people, particularly in the context of eradicating extreme poverty and ensuring compliance with Minimum Service Standards.
The integration ensures that data management processes across different levels of government are streamlined, thereby reducing redundancy and improving the coherence of development initiatives. The initiative also aligns with Indonesia’s Satu Data principle which emphasizes the importance of valid, up-to-date, standardised and accountable data.
Strengthening Regional Planning and Accountability
Integrating these systems also plays a role in strengthening regional planning and enhancing accountability. The SIPD platform already provides a framework for regional governments to manage data related to planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation. By incorporating SEPAKAT’s analytical capabilities, regional authorities can now make data-driven decisions to design better service delivery plans. The integration promotes a more holistic approach to development. It ensures that data from different sources is not only compatible but also used in a way that maximizes its impact. For example, welfare rankings from SEPAKAT can inform regional budgeting decisions, ensuring that resources are allocated where they are most needed. This, in turn, increases the accountability of regional governments as they work towards fulfilling national development targets.
Lebak as a Milestone
In late July, SKALA supported Bappenas and the Ministry of Home Affairs to use Regsosek micro data through SEPAKAT in SIPD, specifically in the Lebak Regency. The selection of Lebak is strategic, given its diverse and dense population and the persistent challenges in poverty reduction and basic service delivery. By piloting this integration in Lebak, the government can test the interoperability of the two systems in a real-world setting and address any technical and operational challenges that may arise.
The success of the pilot in Lebak will serve as a model for other regions in Indonesia. It will demonstrate how integrated data systems can be leveraged to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of regional planning and poverty alleviation efforts. Also, the lessons learned from Lebak can guide the national rollout of this integration.
In addition to building crucial partnerships between central and subnational governments, SKALA is actively involved in training local government officials to better use Regsosek and SIPD to enhance their planning, budgeting, and implementation processes, making them more data-driven and aligned with national development goals. SKALA also continues to facilitate collaboration between Bappenas and the Ministry of Home Affairs for better integration of SEPAKAT-Regsosek in improving planning and budgeting process, through SIPD, by subnational governments. As Indonesia moves forward with its national development goals, the integration of SEPAKAT and SIPD will play a key role in ensuring that these goals are met efficiently and effectively.