Empowering Policy Analysts in Aceh: A Workshop on Using Data for Inclusive Basic Services and Effective Policy Advocacy


This event builds on the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s (DFAT) prior investments through the Knowledge Sector Initiative on establishing competency standards for policy analysts in Indonesia. These investments have resulted in over 9,555 policy analysts across Indonesia (see figure 1). To support Government of Indonesia Policy Analysts advocate for more inclusive policy making, SKALA’s Policy Advocacy team organized a workshop in Aceh Province on “Using Data for Inclusive Basic Services.”

Figure 1. Number of Policy Analysts in Indonesia
Source: Centre for Policy Analyst Development, The National Institute of Public Administration (LAN), 2024

Participants of the workshop learned how to write compelling policy briefs in SKALA’s priority areas of Minimum Service Standards (SPM), Public Financial Management (PFM), Data and Analysis (DNA), and Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI). The workshop spanned two days and featured four interactive sessions: 1) Introduction to Policy and the Role of Policy Analysis, 2) SKALA and Instruments for Policy Recommendations, 3) The Importance of Data and Analysis in Policy Recommendations, and 4) Writing Policy Briefs.

The workshop was open to civil servants who are categorised as “Functional Policy Analysts” across different Aceh Apparatus Working Units (SKPA), as well as representatives from universities, NGOs, and think tanks. To be selected, registering participants were required to submit an abstract or concept paper. 32 people were selected to participate, consisting of:

  • 24 government Policy Analysts across a range of SKPAs, including: Communication, Informatics and Encryption Services, Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Services, KHAN LAN Research and Development Center, Health Services, and Social Services.
  • 8 representatives from universities and NGOs, including: AlMuslim Islamic Institute (IAIA) Aceh, IAI AlMuslim Peusangan University, and Teuku Umar University.

The workshop was led by: (i) Dr. Yogi Suwarno, Head of the Center for Policy Analysis Development, State Administration Institute (LAN), (ii) Dr. Iskhak Fatonie, Policy Advocacy Lead, SKALA, (iii) Desi Vicianna, Policy Advocacy Consultant, SKALA, (iv) Dr. Ratri Istania, Associate Professor, The National Institute of Public Administration School in Jakarta (STIA LAN) and The Indonesian Policy Analyst Association (AAKI), and (v) Dr. Hendarman, Principal Expert Policy Analyst, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. 

Building Competence in Policy Briefs: Enhancing Skills and Confidence Among Policy Analysts

Enhancing the competence and capacity of Policy Analysts and other functional positions to provide policy recommendations (policy briefs) to stakeholders.

The workshop enabled participants to better understand the process and structure involved in writing policy briefs for stakeholders. Participants acquired key skills, including: 1) understanding the importance of using data as a foundation for writing policy briefs, 2) learning systematic methods to compose policy briefs, and 3) effectively communicating policy briefs and recommendations to stakeholders.

The SKALA team found that the best way to improve participants’ capacity in writing policy briefs is to: 1) use working papers in each session to facilitate analytical thinking and learning, 2) hold group discussions so participants can share information and experiences, thereby enhancing collective learning, and 3) provide a dedicated session on writing policy briefs, so participants can directly apply their learning in practice.

Of 29 participants who completed the post-workshop feedback form, 28 expressed increased confidence in their ability to draft policy briefs at their respective institutions.

Several policy themes were identifiedthat are aligned with SKALA’s priority focus areas. Each participant was requested to draft a policy brief using what they had learnt during the workshop. One week after the workshop, 24 out of the 34 participants submitted final versions of their policy briefs.

These included: 

SKALA Theme Policy brief topics
MSS 1. Efficiency of Follow-Up Management of Public Service Complaints for the Aceh Government
2. Optimizing Data-Based Planning for Minimum Service Standards:: Efforts to Improve Education Quality in Aceh
PFM 1. Effectiveness of Public Budget Management in Aceh Province: Challenges and Solutions
2. Optimizing Regional Budget Allocations in Handling Stunting in Aceh
3. Strengthening Public Financial Supervision Through Voluntary Auditors
4. Analysis of Aceh Government Financial Management
5. Increasing Transparency and Accountability in Public Financial Management at the APBD and Village Fund levels
6. Alternative Management and Utilization of Village Funds to Handle Stunting in Aceh Province
Data & Analytics 1. Integration of Information Systems and Household Welfare Data: Poverty Alleviation Solutions
2. Arrangement of Aceh Government SPBE Management ASN
3. Consistency of the Aceh Apparatus Work Unit (SKPA) in the Implementation of Aceh Gubernatorial Regulation no. 67 of 2019 regarding Application Needs
GEDSI 1. Preventing child marriage to reduce the chances of intergenerational poverty in Aceh
2. Acehnese Women’s Human Rights from a Gender Equality Perspective
3. Social Inclusion Policy: Solutions to Prevent Bullying in Schools
4. Equitable Education for Children with Disabilities in Aceh Province
5. Optimizing Aceh Governor Regulation No. 53 of 2023 to Accelerate the Fulfillment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
6. Commitment of Policy Makers in Providing and Utilizing Gender Mainstreaming Disaggregated Data
7. Between Regulation and the Urgency of Political Education for Women
8. Urgency of Protecting the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Aceh
9. Strategy for Fulfilling Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities in the Local Tourism Area of Aceh and Surrounding Areas
10. Increasing Women’s Productivity with a Gender Perspective, Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Aceh’s Political Development
11. Trans Koetaradja is Disabled Friendly with the Disabled Syedara Movement
12. Prevention of Child Marriage through the Regional Strategy for Preventing Child Marriage (Strada PPA) in Aceh
13. Strategy to Increase Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Vocational Education in Aceh

The five workshop facilitators chose the nine best policy briefs based on relevance to SKALA’s four thematic focus areas, outlines, structures, written expression, clarity of recommendations, and on whether the briefs were data-driven. These briefs are published on the Policy Analyst Development Center Website of the National Institute of Public Administration (LAN) and authors will receive a certificate from Puslatbang KHAN-LAN.

Enhancing Policy Advocacy: Mapping Issues and Building a Community of Influence for Better Basic Services in Aceh

As a result of the workshop, participants were able to map policy issues that affect basic services in Aceh. Participants are expected to leverage the policy briefs and knowledge gained to advocate for policy changes to relevant stakeholders, including their superiors and other policy influencers. Additionally, government and non-government participants formed a WhatsApp group to serve as a communication platform for Policy Analysts, thereby initiating a community of policy practitioners who will continue to discuss and influence policy to improve basic services in Aceh Province.

The SKALA team provided substantive and technical facilitation during the workshop, leading to positive outcomes:

  1. Involvement of Wider Stakeholders: This workshop was the first Policy Advocacy team activity involving external stakeholders, including the Center for Policy Analysis Development and the National Institute of Public Administration (LAN). LAN’s involvement will strengthen the capacity of Policy Analysts, fostering a community of influence to improve basic services in Aceh Province.
  • Interactive Workshop Method: The workshop included group discussions, individual work, work papers, and sticky notes to help participants apply the presented material to real case examples. Special sessions on writing policy briefs were particularly useful for practical application.
  • Comprehensive Delivery of Material: The workshop provided comprehensive material on writing policy briefs, with a focus on data and analysis, and the importance of using data for policy recommendations. Sessions also covered how to communicate policy recommendations effectively to stakeholders.

The workshop was effective due to: (i) Comprehensive and effective presentation of material, (ii) Use of group discussions, worksheets, and direct writing practice, (iii) Competent facilitators/resource persons, and (iv) Adequate coaching from facilitators during and after the workshop, guiding participants from initial drafts to final policy briefs.

Sinergi dan Kolaborasi untuk Akselerasi Layanan Dasar (SKALA) is an Australia-Indonesia Partnership Program aimed at supporting the Government of Indonesia’s efforts to reduce poverty and inequality by improving basic-service provisions to poor and vulnerable communities in less-developed regions.


Sinergi dan Kolaborasi untuk Akselerasi Layanan Dasar (SKALA) is an Australia-Indonesia Partnership Program aimed at supporting the Government of Indonesia’s efforts to reduce poverty and inequality by improving basic-service provisions to poor and vulnerable communities in less-developed regions.


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