CSO / Civil Society Organization

Dewan Pengurus Pusat Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia (HWDI)

Perhimpunan Jiwa Sehat (PJS)

Dewan Pengurus Pusat Persatuan Tuna Netra Indonesia (PERTUNI)

Pusat Gerakan untuk Kesejahteraan Tunarungu Indonesia (GERKATIN)

Nurul Saadah, Sentra Advokasi Perempuan dan Anak Difabel (SAPDA)

Pusat Persatuan Penyandang Disabilitas Indonesia (PPDI)

Sinergi dan Kolaborasi untuk Akselerasi Layanan Dasar (SKALA) is an Australia-Indonesia Partnership Program aimed at supporting the Government of Indonesia’s efforts to reduce poverty and inequality by improving basic-service provisions to poor and vulnerable communities in less-developed regions.


Sinergi dan Kolaborasi untuk Akselerasi Layanan Dasar (SKALA) is an Australia-Indonesia Partnership Program aimed at supporting the Government of Indonesia’s efforts to reduce poverty and inequality by improving basic-service provisions to poor and vulnerable communities in less-developed regions.


SKALA managed by

SKALA @ Copyright 2023